Sara Ali Khan’s style has continued to evolve into that of a bona fide style star since she made her acting debut in Kedarnath in December. Sara takes more risks than many Bollywood celebs but sticks to her signature youthful, feminine style. Her sartorial skills were on display once again on Tuesday, when she wore a refreshing dress by fashion designer Bibhu Mohapatra — a favourite of Sara’s, she wore him for her Koffee With Karan debut. Need a major midweek pick-me-up? Allow us to present Sara Ali Khan in a delightfully colourful look. The Simmba actor attended an event in Mumbai wearing a bright abstract-print mini dress and promptly put a smile on our faces. Check out Sara Ali Khan’s dress from the New York-based designer’s fall-winter 2018 collection.
Sara Ali Khan looked radiant in the sleeveless dress with a pleated style that boasted a bright colour palette featuring fiery red, steel grey, ivory and fuchsia. She amped up its bold pattern with a pair of deliciously bright red and black heels. Going somewhere special? Take inspiration from this Sara Ali Khan look. Between the bold hues and print and the flirty, floaty shape, Sara’s dress is understatedly charming. It is wearable for both day and night. Sara kept her make-up simple with fresh skin and a trend-forward glossy pink lip, letting her striking dress be the focal point of her look. She paired it with tousled locks for a pretty and polished look.