BENGALURU: The jailed associate of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalitha, VK Sasikala, has been shifted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Bengaluru’s Bowring Hospital after she complained of breathlessness.
According to sources, “Sasikala is being given oxygen and is stable.”
“Her X-Ray report showed mild lung infection indicative of pneumonia,” they added. Her rapid antigen and RTPCR test for COVID-19 had come negative.
“We are treating her for severe acute respiratory infection (SARI),” Bowring Hospital Dean and Director Dr Manoj Kumar told The New Indian Express on Wednesday night.
Sasikala was admitted to Bowring Hospital on Wednesday evening from the Bengaluru Central Prison after she developed fever, dry cough and congestion.
She is scheduled to be released from prison on January 27 on completion of her four-year term in a disproportionate assets (DA) case.
Sasikala likely to be shifted to private hospital
Sasikala, along with her sister-in-law Ilavarasi and nephew Sudhakaran have been lodged in the Bengaluru Central Prison at Parappanna Agrahara after they were convicted in February 2017.
Sources privy to The New Indian Express said Sasikala is likely to be shifted to a private hospital by Thursday evening. “Sasikala’s relatives have come from Chennai. They are insisting that she should be shifted to a private hospital in the City, preferably the Apollo Hospital,” the sources added.
Ironically, Jayalalitha was admitted in Apollo Hospital, Chennai in September 2016 for acute respiratory infection among other ailments. She passed away on December 5 that same year.