A special court in Delhi on Wednesday discharged Congress MP Shashi Tharoor in the case involving the death of his wife Sunanda Pushkar saying “there were no charges against” the senior politician. The order comes as a relief for Tharoor against whom the prosecution had pressed charges of abetment to suicide and cruelty and alternatively for murder.
Responding to the verdict, Tharoor said it is an “absolute torture for seven-and-a-half years”, reported Bar & Bench.
The court had reserved orders in April this year. It was submitted by Tharoor that there is no conclusive cause of death and that even suicide is not established in the case. Further, it was also submitted that statements of family members of the deceased and other witnesses suggested no mistreatment by him to Pushkar.
Senior advocate Vikas Pahwa, appearing for Tharoor, told the court that the investigation conducted by an SIT completely exonerated the politician of all the charges levelled against him.
Sunanda Pushkar was found dead in a luxury hotel in Delhi in January 2014. Tharoor was a minister in the UPA government at the time, and the couple was staying at the hotel as their official residence was being renovated. Tharoor was charged under sections 498A and 306 of the Indian Penal Code by Delhi Police, but was not arrested in the case. Tharoor was granted bail in the case in July 2018.