Delhi Assembly speaker Ram Niwas Goel on Thursday sent a defamation notice to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA from Rajouri Garden, Manjinder Singh Sirsa, for a Twitter post where he allegedly accused Goel of nepotism.
According to the contents of a defamation letter sent by Goel’s counsel to Sirsa, the BJP leader on July 14 had allegedly posted a picture of a car with “Son of MLA” written on back of the vehicle on Twitter from his official account, saying that “Papa Vidhayak Hai Hamare … Ye Gadi hai AAP aur Delhi Vidhan Sabha Speaker Ram Niwas Goel ke bête ki”. Goel in his notice termed it “false and defamatory” .
Reacting to the notice, Sirsa said it is surprising the Speaker found a mere tweet defamatory. “Wasn’t Kejriwal being hit by his own party worker during a rally defamatory? There are so many CBI cases against AAP MLAs and the minister of Delhi government. That should make them feel more defamed than these tweets,” the MLA said.