Haryana Congress leader Vikas Chaudhary was shot dead in Faridabad on the outskirts of the national capital Delhi on Thursday morning. Officials said the attack took place just as he was parking outside a gym that he was known to frequent in Faridabad’s Sector 9.
It is around this time that 2 assailants, who were reported to have come in a car, fired multiple shots.
The attack, captured in the gym’s CCTV camera, shows the two men approach Vikas Chaudhary’s sports utility vehicle from both sides and firing at him. One fired at him through the wind shield, the other assailant approached him from the driver’s side and shot at him.
Vikas Chaudhary was rushed to a local hospital but did not survive.
“Doctors tried their best to save him… Our entire team was there but he had been shot too many times… We could not save him,” Dr Saurabh at the hospital said.
He said the autopsy would give a clear picture of the number of bullets that the young politician. Dr Saurabh, however, added that doctors who treated him had spotted at least 10 bullet wounds.
It is not clear from the CCTV footage if the assailants had followed him to the gym or were lying in wait. But the footage shows the 2 assailants being dropped off in a white sedan even as Vikas Chaudhary was parking his SUV.
Vikas Chaudhary, who is the state unit’s spokesman, is said to have been close to Haryana Congress chief Ashok Tanwar. But it was in the Indian National Lok Dal where Vikas Chaudhary cut his teeth in politics, mostly in the party’s youth wing. He crossed over to the Congress in 2015 when INLD ignored his claim for a ticket in Haryana’s state elections and fielded a BJP turncoat.