Actor-activist Deep Sidhu, a key suspect in the Red Fort violence on the Republic Day in January 2021 during the farmers’ protest in Delhi, died in a road accident on the Kundli-Manesar-Palwal Expressway near Sonipat in Haryana on Tuesday.
Sidhu was travelling in a Scorpio car from Delhi to Bhatinda in Punjab when his vehicle rammed into a stationary container parked on the road side near Pipli Toll plaza. He was rushed to a hospital where he was declared brought dead.
Reports said his friend, who was travelling with him, escaped unhurt.
Sidhu was facing criminal trial for engineering the violence at Red Fort during the farmers’ agitation.
On January 26, 2021, thousands of protesting farmers who reached ITO from the Ghazipur border clashed with police. Many of the farmers driving tractors reached the Red Fort and entered the monument, where a religious flag was also hoisted.
Sidhu was arrested on February 9 and released on bail on April 7.