Former Finance Minister P Chidambaram on Friday told the Delhi High Court that he had never met Indrani Mukherjea, the co-founder of INX Media group who has backed the CBI’s corruption charge against the veteran Congress leader. Indrani Mukherjee, who launched the media group along with her husband Peter Mukherjea, is the CBI’s star witness in the INX Media case against Chidambaram. She had told the CBI that she had met P Chidambaram (then a finance minister) in his North Block office in 2006 and he had asked them to meet his son – Karti – and suggested that they help him in his business.
P Chidambaram was arrested by the CBI in this case on August 21 and after being questioned for about two weeks, is in Tihar jail. When his first bail request was rejected by the CBI Special Judge, Chidambaram moved the Delhi High Court
In his arguments before the high court, senior lawyer Kapil Singh who is representing P Chidambaram, told the court that he had no recollection of the INX Media group delegation meeting him as finance minister.
“I am certain that I have never met Indrani Mukherjee at any stage,” Chidambaram’s lawyer told the high court.