Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday dismissed recent allegations of his ill-health. The veteran BJP leader took to Twitter to clarify those were just rumours and that as the country’s home minister he has been working as the country grapples with the coronavirus pandemic.
मेरे स्वास्थ्य की चिंता करने वाले सभी लोगों को मेरा संदेश। pic.twitter.com/F72Xtoqmg9
— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) May 9, 2020
“I am completely healthy and not suffering from any disease,” Shah said in a tweet in Hindi.
Several social media users have recently speculated about Shah’s health.
“Over the last few days, rumours have been spread through social media about my health,” said Shah in his message. “Some users went so far as to ask for wishes after tweeting about my death.”
Shah said since the country is currently busy fighting a public health crisis like the coronavirus, he initially did not take cognizance of such rumours since he has been busy working till late at night.
Shah further said when he found out about the rumours, he initially refused to clarify but was forced to clear the air when party workers and well-wishers, over the last two days, inquired about his health.
“This is why I want to clarify today: I am completely healthy and not suffering from any disease,” said Shah.
The senior BJP leader expressed gratitude towards his well-wishers and the party who had inquired about his health.