Mumbai: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has fortified three properties worth a total of Rs 500 crore of underworld don Dawood Ibrahim’s close aide late Iqbal Mirchi in the Maharashtra capital. The properties which have been seized include three buildings, Rabia Mansion, Mariam Lodge and Sea View situated at Worli in Mumbai.
The investigation conducted by ED revealed that in 2005, Mirchi in connivance with Sir Mohamed Yusuf Trust, misrepresented about the ownership of the three buildings before the Competent Authority and relying on the evidence, Rabia Mansion, Mariam Lodge and Sea View were fortified, the ED said.
The ED in October to action against Mirchi’s relatives and attached seven immovable properties and balances in seven bank accounts worth Rs 22.42 crore. The properties which were attached included one movie hall (New Roshan Talkies) and one hotel in Mumbai, one under construction hotel, one farmhouse, two bungalows and 3.5 acre land in Maharashtra’s Panchgani.
Prior to this, the central probe agency had attached 15 properties worth a total of Rs 200 crore of Mirchi in Dubai. A hotel and 14 other residential and commercial establishments were reportedly attached.
The properties were attached following a criminal case against Mirchi and his family members for alleged illegal dealings in the purchase and sale of Rabia Mansion, Marium Lodge, Ceejay House, Sahil Bungalow, and Sea View properties in Mumbai.