Chandannagar police have filed a case of murder against an IT engineering drop-out, for stabbing a woman believed to be his former lover, on Tuesday night.
The accused, identified as 25-year-old Kiran Shinde, is a resident of Thergaon and has not yet been arrested, however a case under section 302 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) has been registered against him on Wednesday.
The victim, Vina Patle, 22, a resident of Chandannagar was stabbed four times and succumbed to her injuries in hospital on Tuesday night.
Patle was taken to the hospital by traffic policeman who she staggered to after being attacked.
“During the probe, it emerged that Shinde was not in contact with anyone over the last five days.
“His friend, and complainant, Prakash Ghapat came to Chandannagar in search of Shinde with Patle.
“On Tuesday night, at 10.30pm, Shinde stabbed Patle with a sharp knife-like weapon,” said senior police inspector Krishna Indalkar.
Thepolice have CCTV footage from the area of the attack, in Wadgaon sheri.
PI Indalkar said, “Shinde and the victim, Patle, were working in an IT firm as a back office staff. They came in contact with each other and began a relationship. However, later, Shinde became suspicious about Patle as a result of which she separated from him.”
Ghapat, Shinde’s friend, asked Patle to help him locate Shinde; when they did, that is when the attack happened.
Shinde’s friend Ghapat, when contacted by HT, was barely able to speak as he was still in a state of shock. “I know him personally. For the last few days his family were tried desperately trying to contact him and could not,” says Ghapat, visibly shaken by what had happened.
“His brother (Shinde’s) approached me and I offered to help, ” he adds.
“I am destroyed by what happened to Vina. She was with me only to help Kiran’s family as they were searching for him for so many days and had not found him,” Ghapat says.
At the time of going to press police had not been able to locate Shinde and a city-wide manhunt was on to locate him.