The Supreme Court on Wednesday ordered a CBI probe into the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput in June. Sushant was found hanging in his home in Mumbai. While it was initially claimed he had died by suicide, Sushant’s family alleged foul play and demanded a CBI probe.
The Supreme Court ordered the CBI probe as it delivered its verdict on a plea from Rhea Chakraborty, Sushant’s girlfriend. Rhea had been charged with abetting his suicide. Rhea had moved the Supreme Court seeking transfer of an FIR registered against her in Patna, Sushant’s home town, to Mumbai.
The Supreme Court noted the FIR registered in Patna was correct and added state of Maharashtra refused the option to challenge it.
The top court, which had reserved its judgement on the plea on August 11, was told by the Bihar government that political clout has not allowed Mumbai Police to even register an FIR in Sushant’s case.
The Maharashtra government had argued that Bihar lacks jurisdiction in the matter.
Chakraborty’s counsel had told the bench that probe by Mumbai Police has “proceeded quite substantially” as it has recorded statements of 56 persons in the case.
The Centre had earlier informed the top court that it has accepted the recommendation of Bihar government for CBI probe into the FIR lodged at Patna by Sushant’s father who accused Rhea Chakraborty and six others of various offences including abetment of suicide.