Actress Samantha Akkineni took to social media and unveiled the theatrical trailer of her upcoming musical-drama Oh Baby. Running close to two-and-a-half minutes, the trailer takes us into the life of Savitri, a 70-year-old single mother (played by actress Lakshmi), who, by means not revealed in trailer, gets transformed into a younger woman named Swathi (played by Samantha). Oh Baby is a Telugu film directed by BV Nandini Reddy and is an official remake of South Korean comedy Miss Granny (2014).
The trailer opens with Savitri entering a photo booth to get a picture clicked. Next we see a younger version of the same woman and we slowly come to realise that the character has aged backwards but her mind and demeanor are still of a 70-year-old. Although she dances and enjoys this new lease of life and takes matters into her own hand, be it trashing eve teasers or dating people, there is a deep-seated fear in her heart about the future, about her future.
Watch Oh Baby trailer here:
Apart from Samantha, Oh Baby’s cast comprises of Naga Shaurya, Rajendra Prasad, Rao Ramesh, Urvashi, Pragati and Teja in supporting roles. Music by Mickey J Meyer will be something to look out for as Oh Baby invites us for this roller coaster ride with the lead character’s two avatars. Oh Baby releases on July 5.