After completing yet another schedule of their fantasy-drama film Brahmastra, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor jetted off to New York to spend sometime with Ranbir’s family and the two were joined in by Abhishek Bachchan and his wife Aishwarya Rai. The latest picture shared by Ranbir’s sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni on Instagram is all about of family love and more. Riddhima took to social media to share an adorable family picture that includes Rishi and Neetu Kapoor, the aforementioned stars and colleagues and some more family members from the Kapoor family.
The all smiles photo has Alia Bhatt sitting close to Ranbir’s parents, with Neetu clutching her arm. Ranbir is seen standing right behind them and Aishwarya and Abhishek can be spotted right in the middle of the photograph. The latter’s daughter Aaradhya is seen lapping up on Rishi, while several others also pose for the image clicked outside of a restaurant. Sharing the lovely moment, Riddhima simply put a heart-shaped emoji accompanying the image.
Another image shared by Riddhima has Rishi, Neetu, Alia and Ranbir adorably cushioned against one another. She wrote alongside the still, “#sam missing! (sic).”
Reportedly, Rishi will be returning to India by August end. After being diagnosed with cancer, Rishi has been recuperating slowly and steadily and was also visited by many Bollywood celebrities during his stay in New York.