Actor-model Milind Soman is not new to social media trolls or policing. On Sunday, he took to Instagram to share a photo from his controversial nude ad shoot 25 years ago. The shoot with model and his then girlfriend Madhu Sapre was much talked about then.
Milind said he was posting the picture because he was curious to know how the internet folks would react to it today. Some of the users commented about how that photo had kicked off a rage then, while some asked if Milind and Madhu were engaged during the shoot. Some others came to Milindâs defence and said that it their relationship status did not matter, and both of them were just professional models doing their job. Users also commented that had it been today, the photo would break the internet.
The picture was from an advertisement for a footwear brand, in which Milind and Madhu posed naked with a snake wrapped around them and a a pair of shoes as the only accessory. Considering a snake featured in the shoot, some of the users commented that PETA would have been up in arms if it were today.
On the workfront, Milind was last seen in Amazon Prime Videoâs Four More Shots Please! He has been regularly posting pictures and videos during the lockdown, during which he is staying at home with his wife Ankita Konwar and mother. He also regularly posts fitness videos, and some of them even feature his 80-year-old mother pulling off workout tricks.