Actor Mandira Bedi celebrated her daughter Tara’s fifth birthday on Wednesday. Mandira and her late husband Raj Kaushal adopted Tara on July 28th last year. Raj and Mandira also have a son together, Vir.
Sharing a few adorable family pictures on Instagram stories, Mandira wrote: “My girl wasn’t denied her first celebration in our home.” Raj passed away on June 30 at the age of 49 after suffering a cardiac arrest at home.
Mandira had earlier penned an emotional post for Tara with the caption, “28th July ! One year today since you came into our lives, sweet sweet Tara.. And so we celebrate you today.. it’s your 5th birthday, my baby. I love you so much #beginagain.” Mandira and Raj Kaushal had adopted Tara last year. At the time, the actor had shared a heartwarming post, welcoming Tara to the family. “Our little girl, Tara. ⭐️Four years and a bit. With eyes that sparkle like stars. Sister to her Vir ❣️Welcoming her home. With open arms and pure love. Grateful, thankful. blessed 🏽. Tara Bedi Kaushal ❣️. Became a part of our family on 28th July 2020.”
Mandira, who has been coping with her husband’s untimely demise, has been sharing photographs from their time together. She also posted a photo of her family—herself, her parents and her two children Vir and Tara—and said she was grateful for their presence in her life. She captioned: “#Grateful for my #Family and all the love, support and kindness.”