Actor Kangana Ranaut’s sister, Rangoli Chandel, has added her two cents to the latest development in the ongoing family dispute at the Roshans’ home. Rangloli has said that Hrithik Roshan’s sister, Sunaina, had been calling Kangana every day for the past month, alleging her family is putting her through various kinds of emotional and physical abuse, before switching off her phone.
Reacting to the latest report on the story – Sunaina’s boyfriend Ruhail Amin narrating his side of the story – Rangoli wrote, “For past one month Sunaina called Kangana every single day, she spoke to me and cried all the time, since she spoke to the media her phone is off, she told me her family doesn’t only hit her but sedate her as well. Feeling helpless don’t know what to do.”
Sunaina and Ruhail have alleged that her father, filmmaker Rakesh Roshan, is against their relationship, and has forbidden Sunaina from seeing Ruhail. She has said that she had been subjected to physical abuse by her father, who was supported by her brother Hrithik.
It was Rangoli who had first alluded to a forbidden romance being the issue in the Roshan household. She had written on June 19, “Sunaina Roshan is asking Kangana for help, her family is physically assaulting her because she is in love with a Muslim man from Delhi, last week they got a lady cop who slapped her, her father also hit her, her brother is trying to put her behind bars.”
Kangana, reacting to the latest controversy involving her, told Mumbai Mirror, “It is true that Sunaina and I were always good friends and so was her family. Now they claim differently. Yes, she has been in touch with me, but I don’t want to take advantage of her family dispute. Sunaina is still a friend but I will not hit somebody when they are down.”
Kangana and Hrithik have been involved in a long-running feud, which has resulted in lawsuits and professional tussles. Ruhail in an interview to CNN-News18, said that “Everyone can see the irony” about chastising Sunaina for loving him, a Muslim man, when Sunaina’s brother Hrithik was married to Sussanne Khan for several years. He said, “Labelling someone extremist just because he/she belongs to a certain religion is simply outrageous and needs to be condemned in strongest words.”