The lead cast of AMC’s mega hit series Breaking Bad, Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul’s teaser pics from an upcoming collaboration has led fans to strongly believe that a film based on the series is indeed in works. Earlier, Cranston and Paul shared the same images, at the same time, on their Twitter handles sending fans into a speculative meltdown of sorts. Now, Paul shared another pic of the duo which has sparked the debate around the Breaking Bad film again.
On Tuesday, Paul tweeted an image which shows him and Cranston walking through a creek. Paul is seen leading the charge in an all-black, casual ensemble, while Cranston dons a fedora hat and walks behind him, carrying his shoes in his hands. Both Paul and Cranston’s looks are reminiscent of the final season of Breaking Bad and fans could not help but wonder if it is indeed a BTS pic from the sets of Breaking Bad film. Paul captioned the image “Even Sooner.”
Even sooner
— Aaron Paul (@aaronpaul_8) July 2, 2019