Bollywood actress Ileana D’Cruz has announced that she is expecting her first child with her husband, businessman Andrew Kneebone. The actress took to social media to share the news with her fans, posting a picture of herself cradling her baby bump.
The news has been welcomed by fans and colleagues of the actress, who have taken to social media to congratulate her and express their excitement about the upcoming arrival.
Ileana, who has worked in a number of successful Bollywood films, including “Barfi!” and “Rustom,” has been open about her personal life in recent years, sharing glimpses of her relationship with Kneebone on social media.
The couple, who have been together for several years, got married in a private ceremony in 2018. Since then, they have been spending time together and supporting each other in their personal and professional lives.
The news of Ileana’s pregnancy has been celebrated by many as a positive and happy development, especially given the challenges and uncertainties of the past year. It is also seen as a milestone for the actress, who has been working in the film industry for over a decade and has established herself as a talented and versatile performer.
Ileana has not yet shared any details about the due date or the gender of the baby, but fans are eagerly awaiting more updates from the actress.
In conclusion, the news of Ileana D’Cruz’s pregnancy has been met with excitement and congratulations from fans and colleagues in the Bollywood industry. The actress, who has been open about her personal life in recent years, is expecting her first child with her husband, businessman Andrew Kneebone. The news is seen as a positive and happy development, and fans are eagerly awaiting more updates from the actress as she prepares to welcome her new arrival.