Actor Ananya Panday has wished her mother Bhavna Panday on her birthday. Taking to Instagram and posting a picture with her mom, Ananya wrote: happy bday to my “sister” what would I do without u Mama!!!
Ananya addressed her mother as her “sister” while sharing what appears to be an old picture where the two look chic. While Ananya is dressed in a short dress with stilettos, Bhavna can be seen in a pale cream midi dress.
Ananya is one of the most popular faces from the next generation of Bollywood stars. She made her debut recently with Karan Johar’s Student of the Year 2 and the awards have already started to come her way. At the Grazia Millennial Awards 2019 in Mumbai, actor Chunky Panday’s daughter walked away with the Next Gen Star of the Year award. She was seen in a black and grey flowing dress at the event.
Ever since the start of promotions for her debut film, Ananya has been forthright with her answers on a number of contentious issues such as nepotism and trolling. Speaking about the latter, she told Hindustan Times, “Today, we have a lot of young people, who has access to our pictures etc. They can directly see what we are up to. Also, I believe getting the youth on your side is extremely important, especially for someone like me since I am also a millennial and that age. That’s why I know that when I look up to someone, I follow them on Instagram, so that way, it’s [following on social media] a good thing.”
Ananya will next be seen in Pati Patni Aur Woh, alongside Kartik Aaryan and Bhumi Pednekar. The film is a remake of ‘70s classic of the same name, starring Sanjeev Kumar and Vidya Sinha.