Actor Anupam Shyam, known for his work on the TV show Mann Ki Awaaz: Pratigya and appearances in films like Slumdog Millionaire, Bandit Queen, was on Monday admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of a Mumbai hospital following kidney infection. According to the actor’s brother, Anurag, Anupam was undergoing dialysis at Apex Kidney Care in the north Mumbai suburb of Malad. The 62-year-old actor was shifted to Lifeline Hospital in Goregaon on Monday after he collapsed during dialysis.
“Since we couldn’t admit him there, we rushed him to Lifeline Hospital immediately. He is currently in ICU,” Anurag said.
The family has reached out to the actor’s friends, Bollywood superstar Salman Khan’s charity Being Human Foundation for financial assistance and also have received a call from Manoj Bajpayee, his Satya co-star.
“He could not get a good treatment due to financial crisis. I have informed his friends about his health and also reached out to Being Human through their website. I even got a call from Manoj Bajpayee, who said he will look into the matter,” Anurag added.
In his nearly three-decade long career, Anupam has featured in films like Dil Se, Lagaan, Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi, among others. But he gained acclaim and popularity for his role as the conservative patriarch Thakur Sajjan Singh on Mann Kee Awaaz: Pratigya, which aired in 2009 on Star Plus.
His last screen appearance was on the show Krishna Chali London, which ended last month.