The Congress in Goa Tuesday sought a formal appointment with ailing Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar, who is currently recuperating at his private home near here. In a letter to Parrikar, the main opposition party said its MLAs and office-bearers would like to meet him personally or through video-conferencing at the earliest.
Parrikar was admitted to the AIIMS in Delhi for a month for treatment of a pancreatic ailment and returned to Goa last week. Since his return, the 62-year-old BJP leader is recuperating at his private residence at Dona Paula.
Congress MLA Aleixo Reginaldo Lourenco, in the letter to the CM, said, “As no daily medical reports on the condition of your health are being released, the Congress party MLAs and its office-bearers would like to meet you in person or via video conference at the earliest.”
Lourenco said Parrikar’s long absence has adversely affected both administrative and legislative works in the state.
“Your almost zero public appearance and being absent in attending to your chief ministerial office duties after the adjournment of the 2018 Monsoon Session of Goa Assembly has further accentuated the policy paralysis of the State Administration which has been a victim since February 2018 when you were diagnosed with pancreatic ailment,” the letter reads.
“Incidentally, the legislative affairs of the state suffered when the February-March 2018 budget session was curtailed to four days from 22 days. “Your long sickness has immobilised the day-to-day functioning of the official departments of Government of Goa,” Lourenco said.