BENGALURU: Noting that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has grown beyond the confines of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Congress leader Shashi Tharoor said that Modi was like a “scorpion sitting on a Shivaling” for the RSS.
The personality cult of Modi has not gone down well with the RSS and has been cause of frustration within its ranks. Modi is like a scorpion sitting on a Shivaling. “You can’t remove it with your hand nor can you hit it with a chappal,” he said commenting on the dynamics between Modi and the RSS.
He was speaking to a packed audience at Bengaluru Literature Festival, on his book ‘The Paradoxical Prime Minister” on Sunday. Due to Moditva, which is Modi plus Hindutva, he has been able to rise above RSS, he said.
Criticising the central government for being the most centralised, top heavy government in the recent memory, he said that previously empowered officials now had to wait for the consent of officials in the Prime Minister’s Office. “As a result, the Home Minister does not know that CBI director is being changed, Foreign Minister is not aware of change in foreign policy of the government and the Defence Minister does not know about changes made in Rafale deal till the last moment,” he said.