The Vashi police have booked a 39-year-old Sangli man for allegedly trying to extort Rs5 lakh from his former girlfriend by threatening to circulate their pictures.
The accused started his threats after the woman turned down his marriage proposal.
The woman, who lives with her 18-year-old son and brother’s family at a rented apartment, has separated from her alcoholic husband 17 years ago.
Three years ago, she met the accused, a distant relative, at a family wedding in Islampur at Sangli. After exchanging numbers, they started having an affair. The accused would often visit Vashi and sometimes the woman would meet him in Sangli.
“In the past one and a half years, he had been proposing marriage. She refused, citing complication and disrepute in society as he too was married and had kids,” said an officer.
But the man was adamant, so she began to avoid him. Irked by this, he would call her from different numbers. He recently told her will return to Vashi from Seychelles on November 9.
“He said he will book a hotel and demanded to meet her. He said if I want to get out of this relationship, I will have to pay him Rs5 lakh or else, he would circulate our photos taken together,” the woman told the police in her complaint.
She lodged a case of extortion and criminal intimidation.