Air India on Sunday suspended a senior pilot for allegedly shoplifting at Sydney airport on Saturday. According to the suspension order accessed by Hindustan Times, the pilot was supposed to fly AI 301 on June 22 and is alleged to have lifted goods from a Duty free shop there.
“Air India lays the highest stress on proper conduct of its staff and has a zero tolerance policy towards acts of impropriety. There is an initial report of one of its captains Rohit Bhasin, who is also working as a regional director, picking up a wallet from a duty free shop in Sydney. Air India has instituted an enquiry into this incident and has placed the Captain under suspension,” Air India spokesperson Dhananjay Kumar said.
According to an Air India official, the regional manager of the Australia informed about the case to the headquarters and though the pilot was allowed to fly, he was handed over his suspension as soon as he arrived at the Delhi airport.
He has been asked to submit his licence and not to leave his base station, which is Kolkata.