Amid reports floating around claiming that #MeToo accused Anu malik is returning to Indian Idol as judge for the the latest, eleventh season, Sona Mohapatra, who had earlier criticised and called out the singer-composer for his alleged misconduct towards women, has penned a note on Twitter, criticising Sony TV and music composer Vishal Dadlani for associating with Anu.
Sona took to social media yet again and even called out Vishal for his hypocrisy. She went onto the extent of drawing out a tweet of Vishal from an earlier period in which he criticised the Narendra Modi government for not taking strict action in the case of young women getting raped in India.
In one of her tweets, Sona wrote about Anu and criticised the entertainment network for rehiring him. She wrote, “This is the depraved man who rubs himself, threatens, drops his pants, forces someone’s head into his crotch & then repeat replay. This is the man @SonyTV @SonyTVUSA @sonytvuk hires back for the nth time on Indian Idol as judge?.”
Calling out Vishal for collaborating with Anu, Sona wrote, “& since U do care about the pain of Indian women & girls,Vishal, take a real stand, stand up & walk your talk.Multiple women spoke up about Anu Malik in @IndiaMeToo & some were minors during the incident. No amount of money or fame is worth this. #MeToo.”
Check out Sona’s tweets here:
This is the depraved man who rubs himself, threatens, drops his pants, forces someone’s head into his crotch & then repeat replay. This is the man @SonyTV @SonyTVUSA @sonytvuk hires back for the nth time on Indian Idol as judge? @IndiaMeToo #MeToo
— ShutUpSona (@sonamohapatra) September 12, 2019
& since U do care about the pain of Indian women & girls,Vishal, take a real stand, stand up & walk your talk.Multiple women spoke up about Anu Malik in @IndiaMeToo & some were minors during the incident. No amount of money or fame is worth this. #MeToo
— ShutUpSona (@sonamohapatra) September 11, 2019
It is confirmed news that @SPTV @sonytv have shot a promo with Anu Malik who got called out by multiple women last year in @IndiaMeToo .Some who were minors.Sends out a clear message to #India & the world at large – Sony Pictures Television “supports”, “enables" sexual predators.
— ShutUpSona (@sonamohapatra) September 12, 2019
Indian Idol Season 11 is set to start airing on Sony TV in 2019 with Aditya Narayan as its host.