Irrfan Khan is expected to return to India after a lengthy stint abroad, where he was getting treatment for a rare form of cancer. Irrfan’s spokesperson, neither confirming nor denying that the actor is returning to begin work on Hindi Medium 2, said that the actor could be back home after Diwali.
“The story floating about Irrfan starting Hindi Medium 2 shoot in December are all based on speculations. However there is a possibility of him returning to India after Diwali,” the spokesperson said.
Irrfan had announced in March that he had been diagnosed with neuroendocrine tumour. He then left for London to undergo treatment, and backed out of promoting his film Karwaan, and appearing in the Amazon series Gormint.
In June, Irrfan provided an update about his health in an interview to a tabloid. “This realisation made me submit, surrender and trust, irrespective of the outcome, irrespective of where this takes me, eight months from now, or four months from now, or two years. The concerns took a back seat and started to fade and kind of went out of my mindspace. For the first time, I felt what ‘freedom’ truly means. It felt like an accomplishment. As if I was tasting life for the first time, the magical side of it. My confidence in the intelligence of the cosmos became absolute. I feel as if it has entered every cell of mine. Time will tell if it stays, but that is how I feel as of now,” he said.
A few months later in August, he said that after four rounds of chemotherapy, he had found a new perspective on life. “I’ve seen life from a completely different angle. You sit down and you see the other side and that’s fascinating. I’m engaged on a journey,” he said.